A Prose Poem
Wind rushing, leaves falling. Thoughts, but not too many, not so hard. Imperfect, but at peace. Mistakes, but grace. Leaves falling,...
More Notes from the Teleios Conference: "A Matter of Wonder" -Jeff Childers (with personal notes)
For many early Christians, good Bible reading was more about posture than technique. Getting it right was more about the dispositions and...
Heretic Movie Review, Notes from Teleios Conference Lesson, and Thoughts on the Translation of Doulos as Slave
Movie Review: Heretic If you're looking for a good movie to see and don't mind thrillers or horror, Heretic is a good choice. It's hard...
"Rethinking Church" by Ron Highfield: A Review
Rethinking Church: A Guide for the Perplexed and Disillusioned is a short little book that challenges many assumptions about church...
Q and A on the role of Satan in Scripture
Question From Melody Murray Enjoyed your posts on Satan If Satan is a role rather than a person, then who/what tempted Jesus in the...
Is the idea that at conversion you lose your sinful nature dangerous?
As a person who struggles with sin, I’ve come across a certain belief that is especially circling in restorationist circles: the belief...
Treasure New and Old: What Jesus Might Have to Say About Generational Differences
Question Response to Russ: Does a Christian Need to Die to Self?
I saw a preacher post on IG: “Christians don’t need to die to self. You’ve already been crucified with Christ. Romans 6:6” Praise God...
Response to Question: Is Genesis 1-11 to be taken literally?
MESSAGE Just read on renew.org your review of "Origins". You wrote that the book is helpful for people like you who find a literal...
Raised By Wolves and How Stories Shape Us
Stories shape us. I was reminded of this by watching the the masterfully written sci-fi show Raised By Wolves on HBO Max. This powerful...